
【孕媽好物分享🤰】 @restoringmums “Pregnancy Bodycare Kit” 如做Spa 一樣舒適🛀

Stretch Marks, what a terrible things happened common in pregnancy, but anyone can develop stretch marks in any phase of life. Surely, No one wants them to appear on the body. There are some things you can do to reduce your risk and treat the stretch marks you already have. Recently, receiving a “Pregnancy Bodycare Kit” from Restoring Mums to pamper my Belly🤰🏻

ℹ️For more sharing in Blog review👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻

𝕯𝖆𝖎𝖑𝖞 𝕽𝖔𝖚𝖙𝖎𝖓𝖊:
🤎Centella Hydration Serum (50ml) HK$450
🤎Belly & Body Moisturising Oil Essence (50ml) HK$590

𝖂𝖊𝖊𝖐𝖑𝖞 𝕽𝖔𝖚𝖙𝖎𝖓𝖊:
🤎Brightening Body Scrub Set (70g/100ml) HK$690

▪️Brightening Body Scrub Oil 100ml
▪️Brightening Body Scrub Exfoliator 70g

✍️Mojo’s Products Review:
Recently, my belly often feels itchy, and the color has turned dark and dull. After using Brightening Body Scrub Set, it can effectively sloughing off the build-up dead skin,leaving the skin looking brighter, soften and the skin tone is evenly whitened. Gentle exfoliator, great choice for sensitive skin.

It is easier to absorb the following skincare products, The 2-Step Belly & Body Care Routine. Itrestores elasticity, instantly boosting skin's luminosity and smoothness.
Mix well together with you palm and apply to belly, hands, neck, legs or hands for a boost of hydration and moisturisation. The serum well-absorbed by the skin and improve skin hydration. For the oil, it increases skin elasticity, also helps soothe itching.

I had trial on the full set of Restoring Mums "Pregnancy Bodycare Kit" for a week, most of time using on the belly and using on the whole body from time to time, just as comfortable as doing a spa😌.

✍️Mojo 試用分享:
最近肚皮經常痕癢,膚色都變得暗黑咗,用完Brightening Body Scrub Set,有效地清除係角質堆積,皮屑剝落後膚色均匀地顯白和柔,而後續每天使用的2-Step Belly & Body Care Routine更容易吸收,令肌膚回復彈性、平滑、光澤,有效鎖住水分,緊緻嫩滑。與手掌充分混合,塗抹於腹部、手部、頸部、腿部或手部,以增加水分和保濕。Serum皮膚容易吸收,改善皮膚水分。 Oil Essence 有效增加皮膚彈性,也有助於減輕肚皮瘙癢感。

全set Restoring Mums「Pregnancy Bodycare Kit」主要用於肚皮上,間中都會全身使用,就同做Spa一樣舒服😌。

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